
Flying Fox (Photo-Dr. Sachin A. Punekar)
Hanuman Langur
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Indian Leopard

Panthera pardus fusca : The leopard is elusive, solitary, and largely nocturnal. It is known for its ability in climbing, and has been observed resting on tree branches during the day, dragging its kills up trees and hanging them there, and descending from trees headfirst.

Gray Langur

Semnopithecus entellus : Gray langurs, also called Hanuman langurs and Hanuman monkeys, are Old World monkeys native to the Indian subcontinent. These langurs are largely gray (some more yellowish), with a black face and ears.

Asian Palm Civet

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus : The Asian palm civet, also called common palm civet, toddy cat and musang. It is an omnivore feeding foremost on fruits such as berries and pulpy fruits.


Common treeshrews are active during the day, and forage for food alone or in pairs, mainly on the ground, among shrubs and tree holes. They feed on fruits, seeds, leaves, and insects, especially ants and spiders.They are also reported to catch lizards.

Indian Palm Squirrel

Funambulus palmarum : The Indian palm squirrel or three-striped palm squirrel is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae. These squirrels eat mainly nuts and fruits. They tend to be very protective of their food sources, often guarding and defending them from birds and other squirrels. Unlike some other species of squirrel, the Indian palm squirrel does not hibernate.