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अंजनी (Memecylon umbellatum) 2
रान-मंजिरी (Pogostemon deccanensis) 2
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Tamhini and surroundings have typical semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests. The diversified habitats is an abode for number of endemic and red-listed plant species. Forests and patchy grasslands are rich in lofty trees, lianas, shrubs and tiny herbs. During monsoon many short-lived, showy, colourful and ecologically significant species makes their appearance. The forest area is a rich source of medicinally important and wild edible plants.

Bicolor Persian Violet

Exacum tetragonum is a species of plant belonging to the Gentianaceae family. This plant is native to subtropical or tropical moist grassy forests. It is characterized by its vibrant blooms, typically occurring in late monsoon seasons

Hairy Smithia / Kawla

Smithia hirsuta : It is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family. Flowers are very showy, pollinated by honey bees. It is an important fodder species.

Indian Sweet Pea / Halunda

Vigna vexillata climber : It belongs to legume family. Flowers during August - November. Roots and seeds are eaten by local people.


Huber's Ceropegia / Dudhi vel Kharpudi

Ceropegia huberi : It is critically endangered plant belongs to milkweed family Asclepiadaceae. Grows on the openings of the hill slopes in semi-evergreen forests.


Ironwood Tree / Anjani

Memecylon umbellatum : It is a common evergreen tree belongs to family Melastomataceae. This tree is not only beautiful, but also useful. It provides hard timber used for building houses and boats.


Heterophragma quadriloculare : It is a deciduous tree belongs to family Bignoniaceae having a showy white flowers, flowers in February. Pollinated by Carpenter Bees.

Spreading Canscora / Kilwar

Canscora diffusa : It is a diffuse annual herb belongs to family Gentinaceae. It has many slender branches. Grows on the moist, shady rocky places especially near water sources. Pollinated by bees.

Veined Liparis, Tall Liparis

Liparis nervosa : It is a terrestrial orchid grows on the shady, garvelly forest floor. A monsoon ephemeral.

Pipewort / Pandhar Topi

Eriocaulon eurypeplon : It belongs to family Eriocaulaceae. Common on wet rocky outcrops. Forms dense mat in the open areas in semi-evergreen forests.

Benghal dayflower, Tropical spiderwort / Kena

Commelina benghalensis : It belongs to family Commelinaceae. It grows in the disturbed soil. Eaten as a wild vegetable by local people.

Little Persian Violet / Jambhali Chirayat

Exacum pumilum : It is a monsoon ephemeral grows in open grasslands surrounded with semi-evergreen forests. It belongs to family Gentianaceae.

Prostrate Justicia

Rostellularia prostrata : It belongs to family Acanthaceae. This is common in the outskirts of the forest. Honey bees are voraciously feeding on the pollen and nectar of this plant.

Wight's Beak-Sedge

Rhynchospora wightiana : It is a tufted annual herb belongs to family Cyperaceae. Flowers are reddish-brown heads with many clustered spikelets. Grows in the open grasslands on wet basaltic rocky outcrops.

Serrulate-Leaf Grewia / Kawari

Grewia serrulata : It is a small tree yellowish-white flowers. It belongs to family Tiliaceae. Growing in the outskirts of moist deciduous to semi-evergreen forests.


Kydia calycina : It is a small, fast growing tree. It is Used for low quality timber and fibre. Flowers are white, showy.

Jambhli Manjiri

Pogostemon deccanensis : It is a small erect acquatic herb which grows up to 8-20 cm high. Branched stems are leafy, and arise out of creeping rootstocks. Narrow stalkless leaves occur in whorls of 5 or more. Flowers are purple, rarely white in colour. Flowers attracts bees and flies.

Indian Clematis, Indian travelers's joy / Morvel

Clematis gouriana : It is an extensive twiner on the trees in semi-evergreen forests. Flowers from November to January. In Ayurveda, the leaves of the plant have been used for treating puerperal fever and bruises.

Dwarf Reedgrass

Arundinella pumila : It is a very common annual hairless grass. It is commonly seen on roadsides especially near the seasonal streams. Inflorescence a panicle. Panicle open, profusely divided. A very showy species.

Ginger oil plant

Sesamum indicum, commonly known as sesame or til, is an annual flowering plant cultivated for its seeds, which are rich in oil and protein. These small, flat seeds are a staple in various cuisines and are also valued for their nutritional benefits, containing essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Glory Lily / Agnishikha, Kallavi

Gloriosa superba : It is a annual climber with leaf tips extending into tendrils. Flowers are very showy, colourful. Over collection of tubers for alkaloid extraction has endangered this plant. Tubers poisonous. Used in traditional medicine.

Queen of Khandala / Waghchora

Pecteilis gigantea (= Platanthera susannae) : It is a robust, terrestrial herbs. Flowers white, faintly tinged with green, highly fragrant. Lip white, fimbriately dissected on the margins. Occassionaly seen in open grasslands in the semi-evergreen forests.

Crepe Ginger/Pev

Crepe Ginger (Cheilocostus speciosus), also known as PeV in some regions, is an ornamental plant appreciated for its showy, crepe-paper-like flowers. It is cultivated for its aesthetic value and is also used in traditional medicine.

Dwarf Balanophora

Balanophora abbreviata : It is a small, delicate, fleshy herbs. Rootstock tuberous. Inflorescence cream coloured. Grows as the root parasite on the Karvi thickets. Pollinated by tiny, black ant species.

Blue-flowered Glory Tree/ Bharangi

The Blue-flowered Glory Tree, also known as Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), is a flowering plant with blue tubular flowers. In traditional medicine, its roots and leaves are used for various therapeutic purposes.